Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. ~Dr. Seuss
The American Counseling Association recommends Five Ways to help with coping AFTER a crisis situation.
1.Recognize your own feelings about the situation and talk to others about your fears. Know that these feelings are a normal response to an abnormal situation.
2.Be willing to listen to family and friends who have been affected and encourage them to seek counseling if necessary.
3.Be patient with people; fuses are short when dealing with crises and others may be feeling as much stress as you.
4.Recognize normal crises reactions, such as sleep disturbances and nightmares, withdrawal, reverting to childhood behaviors and trouble focusing on work or school.
5 Take time with your children, spouse, life partner, friends and co-workers to do something you enjoy
Crisis Intervention/Suicide
Crisis line for youth, teens, and families. Gives callers locally based referrals throughout the United States. Provides help for youth and parents regarding drugs, abuse, homelessness, runaway children, and message relays. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week
Covenant House Hotline:
1- 800-999-9999
Boys Town Suicide and Crisis Line:Provides short-term crisis intervention and counseling and referrals to local community resources. Counsels on parent-child conflicts, marital and family issues, suicide, pregnancy, runaway youth, physical and sexual abuse, and other issues. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
1-800-448-3000 or 1-800-448-1833 (TDD)
National Adolescent Suicide Hotline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
National Office of Post Abortion Trauma
National Institute of Mental Health
1-888-ANXIETY (1-888-269-4389)
National Mental Health Association
Pet Loss Support Hotline -
Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
24-hour-a-day hotline, Provides crisis intervention and referrals to local services and shelters for victims of partner or spousal abuse. English and Spanish speaking advocates are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Staffed by trained volunteers who are ready to connect people with emergency help in their own communities, including emergency services and shelters.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE /800-799-7233 and 800-787-3224 (TTY).
Nationwide RAINN National Rape Crisis Hotline
Healing Woman Foundation (Abuse)
Child Abuse
ChildHelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline:
Provides multilingual crisis intervention and professional counseling on child abuse. Gives referrals to local social service groups offering counseling on child abuse. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
Child Abuse Hotline
National Child Abuse Hotline
ChildHelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline
1- 800-4-A-CHILD (422.4453) or 800.2.A.CHILD (222.4453, TDD for hearing impaired).
Runaway/Exploited Children
Provides crisis intervention and travel assistance to runaways. Provides information and local referrals to adolescents and families. Gives referrals to shelters nationwide. Also relays messages to, or sets up conference calls with, parents at the request of the child. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
National Runaway Switchboard
1- 800-621-4000
Missing Children Network
Thursday's Child's National Youth Advocacy Hotline
1 (800) USA KIDS
National Hotline for Missing and Exploited Children:
1- 800-843-5678
National Youth Crisis Hotline: Provides counseling and referrals to local drug treatment centers, shelters, and counseling services. Responds to youth dealing with pregnancy, molestation, suicide, and child abuse. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
1-800-442-HOPE (4673)
National Teen Dating Abuse Help
Parent Hotline
Parent Hotline is a website dedicated to helping families who are in a crisis situation. It lists behaviors for parents to be aware of such as drug use and a questionnaire on if a child is in need of intervention. Very resourceful site.
CHADD-Children & Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Substance Abuse/Alcoholism
Information, support, treatment options and referrals to local rehab centers for any drug or alcohol problem. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
National Cocaine Hotline
1-800-COCAINE (262-2463)
Information, crisis intervention, and referrals to local rehab centers for all types of drug dependency. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week
1 800-352-9996 or 1-800-344-2666 -Hope & Help for young people who are the relatives & friends of a problem drinker.
Alcohol Abuse and Crisis Intervention
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Helpline and Treatment
1- 800-234-0420
Alcohol Hotline Support & Information
Poison Control
Poison Control Any Kind of Substance
1- 800-662-9886
Poison Control
Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse Hotline
Alzheimer's Association Hotline
1- 800-621-0379 8:30AM-4:00PM, Mon-Fri information and referral services, free brochures
HIV/AIDS/Sexually Transmitted Diseases
(Center for Disease Control) National Prevention Information Network:
Info on new medicines, treatment trials, HIV & AIDS, with info specialists avail. to answer questions; also at www.CDCNAC.org (CDC National Aids Clearinghouse CDC 9AM-6PM (Mon-Fri)
National AIDS Hotline
1-800-342-AIDS (2437)
Information and referrals to local hotlines, testing centers, and counseling. Open 24 hours, seven days a week. AIDS Hotline in Spanish: 800-344-SIDA (7432) Open 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, seven days a week.
AIDS Hotline for the Hearing Impaired
1- 800-243-7889 (TDD) Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday
National Sexually Transmitted Disease Hotline
1-800-227-8922 Information and referrals to free and low-cost public clinics. Operators can answer general questions on prevention, symptoms, transmission and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Open 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
Sexually Transmitted Disease & AIDS/HIV Information Hotline
1-800-332-2437, TTY -1 800-332-3889 (Ohio)
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender
(GLBT) Youth Support Line
Gay & Lesbian National Hotline
1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)
The American Counseling Association recommends Five Ways to help with coping AFTER a crisis situation.
1.Recognize your own feelings about the situation and talk to others about your fears. Know that these feelings are a normal response to an abnormal situation.
2.Be willing to listen to family and friends who have been affected and encourage them to seek counseling if necessary.
3.Be patient with people; fuses are short when dealing with crises and others may be feeling as much stress as you.
4.Recognize normal crises reactions, such as sleep disturbances and nightmares, withdrawal, reverting to childhood behaviors and trouble focusing on work or school.
5 Take time with your children, spouse, life partner, friends and co-workers to do something you enjoy
Crisis Intervention/Suicide
Crisis line for youth, teens, and families. Gives callers locally based referrals throughout the United States. Provides help for youth and parents regarding drugs, abuse, homelessness, runaway children, and message relays. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week
Covenant House Hotline:
1- 800-999-9999
Boys Town Suicide and Crisis Line:Provides short-term crisis intervention and counseling and referrals to local community resources. Counsels on parent-child conflicts, marital and family issues, suicide, pregnancy, runaway youth, physical and sexual abuse, and other issues. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
1-800-448-3000 or 1-800-448-1833 (TDD)
National Adolescent Suicide Hotline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
National Office of Post Abortion Trauma
National Institute of Mental Health
1-888-ANXIETY (1-888-269-4389)
National Mental Health Association
Pet Loss Support Hotline -
Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
24-hour-a-day hotline, Provides crisis intervention and referrals to local services and shelters for victims of partner or spousal abuse. English and Spanish speaking advocates are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Staffed by trained volunteers who are ready to connect people with emergency help in their own communities, including emergency services and shelters.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE /800-799-7233 and 800-787-3224 (TTY).
Nationwide RAINN National Rape Crisis Hotline
Healing Woman Foundation (Abuse)
Child Abuse
ChildHelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline:
Provides multilingual crisis intervention and professional counseling on child abuse. Gives referrals to local social service groups offering counseling on child abuse. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
Child Abuse Hotline
National Child Abuse Hotline
ChildHelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline
1- 800-4-A-CHILD (422.4453) or 800.2.A.CHILD (222.4453, TDD for hearing impaired).
Runaway/Exploited Children
Provides crisis intervention and travel assistance to runaways. Provides information and local referrals to adolescents and families. Gives referrals to shelters nationwide. Also relays messages to, or sets up conference calls with, parents at the request of the child. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
National Runaway Switchboard
1- 800-621-4000
Missing Children Network
Thursday's Child's National Youth Advocacy Hotline
1 (800) USA KIDS
National Hotline for Missing and Exploited Children:
1- 800-843-5678
National Youth Crisis Hotline: Provides counseling and referrals to local drug treatment centers, shelters, and counseling services. Responds to youth dealing with pregnancy, molestation, suicide, and child abuse. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
1-800-442-HOPE (4673)
National Teen Dating Abuse Help
Parent Hotline
Parent Hotline is a website dedicated to helping families who are in a crisis situation. It lists behaviors for parents to be aware of such as drug use and a questionnaire on if a child is in need of intervention. Very resourceful site.
CHADD-Children & Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Substance Abuse/Alcoholism
Information, support, treatment options and referrals to local rehab centers for any drug or alcohol problem. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week.
National Cocaine Hotline
1-800-COCAINE (262-2463)
Information, crisis intervention, and referrals to local rehab centers for all types of drug dependency. Operates 24 hours, seven days a week
1 800-352-9996 or 1-800-344-2666 -Hope & Help for young people who are the relatives & friends of a problem drinker.
Alcohol Abuse and Crisis Intervention
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Helpline and Treatment
1- 800-234-0420
Alcohol Hotline Support & Information
Poison Control
Poison Control Any Kind of Substance
1- 800-662-9886
Poison Control
Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse Hotline
Alzheimer's Association Hotline
1- 800-621-0379 8:30AM-4:00PM, Mon-Fri information and referral services, free brochures
HIV/AIDS/Sexually Transmitted Diseases
(Center for Disease Control) National Prevention Information Network:
Info on new medicines, treatment trials, HIV & AIDS, with info specialists avail. to answer questions; also at www.CDCNAC.org (CDC National Aids Clearinghouse CDC 9AM-6PM (Mon-Fri)
National AIDS Hotline
1-800-342-AIDS (2437)
Information and referrals to local hotlines, testing centers, and counseling. Open 24 hours, seven days a week. AIDS Hotline in Spanish: 800-344-SIDA (7432) Open 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, seven days a week.
AIDS Hotline for the Hearing Impaired
1- 800-243-7889 (TDD) Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday
National Sexually Transmitted Disease Hotline
1-800-227-8922 Information and referrals to free and low-cost public clinics. Operators can answer general questions on prevention, symptoms, transmission and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Open 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
Sexually Transmitted Disease & AIDS/HIV Information Hotline
1-800-332-2437, TTY -1 800-332-3889 (Ohio)
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender
(GLBT) Youth Support Line
Gay & Lesbian National Hotline
1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)