Chakra Balancing Meditations

Our body is made up of 7 primary Chakras. The word Chakra, in fact, is a Sanskrit word meaning Wheel of Light, and these Chakras are in a constant state of rotation and vibration in a healthy body. As a result, an imbalance in the vibration of these chakras results in a corresponding imbalance of the healthy functioning of the body. So, Chakra Balancing needs to be done to ensure a healthy body, mind, and soul. If there is a blockage in one or more of the Chakras, the energy does not flow properly through them, and then ultimately the result will be an imbalance among the Chakras that result in problems in all areas of life. Chakra balancing ensures that this energy is gained and utilized by the body optimally, and all vital organs and body cells get their fair share of this energy.When your Chakras are returned to their natural frequencies, inner peace, well being and happiness follows. Chakra Balancing is simply getting the Chakras back to their normal state of vibration. Below is a Chakra sheet that lets you see what happens when the chakras are in balance, over active or under active. Also on this page are the 7 primary Chakra, balancing meditation using Sound frequencies/vibrations of Tibetan Singing Bowls. Plus a complete Chakra meditation. If you know of a Chakra that’s off balance go to that Chakra or simply do the Chakra balancing to balance all at one.
11 min relaxation Crystal Bowls for the Heart, Thymus & Zeal
Sacral(2nd orange)Chakra
Solar Plexus(3rd yellow)Chakra
Heart(4th green)Chakra
Throat(5th blue) Chakra
Third Eye(6th-indigo)Chakra